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Discovering Spektakel Pass, Northern Cape's hidden gem

Car enthusiasts and road trip lovers are always on the lookout for new and exciting roads to drive. There is nothing as thrilling as driving past breathtaking scenic routes and dizzying mountain passes, and now Avis, the leading car rental company has made it easier to find the most exhilarating stretch of tarmac possible on South Africa’s Best Roads. Spektakel pass, Northern Cape's hidden gem.
Spektakel Pass, a mountain pass on the tarred R355 east of the Buffels River about 22km west of Springbok, which was constructed in 1896. Taking the road less traveled, you are sure to find Northern Cape’s gem that is much more than a cumbersome stretch of road linking the areas on either side of a mountain.
Spektakel Pass, nestled perfectly in the Namaqualand is a wonderfully constructed road worth “driving” due to the great corners and fast sweeps. Giving it “F1 driving” status is the fact that the route leading up to the pass is used by many motor manufacturers to do high speed testing. Truly, the dirt R355 road through the pass between Springbok and Kleinzee is one of South Africa’s Best Roads To Drive as it offers the most spectacular drives in the Namaqua grassland. 
There is surely no better way to discover the small jewels of the Northern Cape landscape, characterized by vast arid plains with outcroppings of haphazard rock piles. Go on, be spoiled for choice with a view that is captivating, sure to leave your heart always lusting over this true wonderland and be sure not to miss the opportunity to explore this part of our beautiful country with Avis.
Explore South Africa’s Best Driving Roads on www.avisbestroads.co.za

Spektakel Pass

Spektakel Pass is a mountain pass on the tarred R355 east of the Buffels River about 22km west of Springbok in the Namaqualand region of South Africa. Derived from the Afrikaans for ‘spectacle pass’. The name stems from an incident in which an oxwagon overturned and the female passengers fell head over heels in an undignified, rather embarrassing manner, causing a spectacle.

The Spektakel Pass is said to have been named by Simon van der Stel in the late 17th Century. Arriving at the top, he is said to have exclaimed something to the effect of “Wat een spektakel!” This view shows the impacts of development, with an abandoned copper mine and the dust from the gravel road. Surprisingly, there was also water in the Buffels River on this day.